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Insecure Episode 6: Lowkey Done

OK, so last week, we learned a little bit about the weird grey area of friendship, significant others, and doing what we need to do to succeed. We were all divided as far as #TeamMolly and #TeamIssa, which I don’t know if I will ever understand because how the heck was Issa wrong in this situation? Also, Nate’s “I can stick around” at the end of the episode is just too little too late. Remember, this is the famous ghoster from last season, yall. I have a feeling that Issa is gonna fall back into a situation with him. But I digress. Let’s get into this week’s episode!

Why is Nate still in the picture?

I’m glad that the block party was a success! I’m also loving Issa’s interior design of her apartment. Ca-yuuuute. I’m also loving the idea of a solo Self Care Sunday... I remember those.

And like clockwork, here’s Nathan trying to creep back into Issa’s life like a normal fixture. I’m still feeling a little weird about her venting to this dude, but when she brought up the idea that she would help him out the same way if he needed it... ummm, I’m sorry, whet? No you wouldn’t. You USED Nate and didn’t feel bad about it because he’s the ghoster.

Good Deed Mami

At the grocery store, the fact that Issa volunteered to help the pregnant woman pay for her groceries... and then her card got declined. Ouch! Then she volunteered to help the guy who missed the bus. Issa Is really out here trying to do some good deeds. Is this because of her guilt about the Molly situation? Or is she just coincidentally finding herself in positions to help others? Uber/Lyft driver or not, I can’t guarantee that I would be picking up random strangers and volunteering to drive them to their destinations. “Feminassi” was funny haha.

Paint & Sip

Issa is def branching out by going to Paint & Sip on her own. I guess this is her break from Self Care Sunday, which was originally a Molly AND Issa thing, to go out and be around a different crowd. I’m also glad to see Kyla Pratt looking EXACTLY the same as she did in “One on One”. Also, that’s a HUGE handle of wine, Issa. I wonder if she originally planned on sharing. Issa is having fun with some new girls, and it’s kind of nice to see her making new acquaintances. AND she’s cool enough for drinks afterward, like YES, Issa, LIVE! I keep forgetting that Issa is lowkey unemployed right now, but I LOVE how she explained and made what she does into something real. I’ve seen it done so many times in the WRONG way, but Issa BS’d perfectly and may have just found her new industry to start interviewing for. I wish I was from LA so I could understand her references about the different types of dudes to find in each part of the city. Oh no.... Issa was part of a bachelorette scavenger hunt. Sad face. AND they stuck her with the check. When Issa broke the canvas over the girl’s head- I SO wish that was real.

Black mamas are the best.

I was hoping that Issa wasn’t going to Nate’s house and I’m glad that she went to see her mother instead. Yo, I love Black mamas. Food solves every problem, and when it doesn’t, a big ol’ hug does. I’m glad that Issa has the type of relationship with her mom where she can bring her issues and talk them out openly and honestly. I think I like this convo so much because it reminds me of me talking to my mother. She’s always talking about how creative I am and all the stuff that I’m doing, and it’s refreshing to hear sometimes when I need the reminder.

That’s what friends are for.

I love Kelli for not wanting Issa and Molly’s friendship to end here. I also wish that she would just leave it alone. Everybody’s grown. Issa and Molly can work things out when they feel like it... or not. Kelli seems to be the friend who is now cool with everybody, though. She’s babysitting Tiffany’s baby, calling Issa and Molly. I hope she’s still working on her British accent, too.

Buzzkill Molly

Dang, it seemed like such a long day that I forgot that it was Self Care Sunday. Issa showed us how good it feels to come home to a clean, organized apartment, and light a nice... just kidding... maybe. Issa, girl, you are THUH-RIVING. Take advantage of the success of the block party and make it work for you!

And of course while riding that high, she sees Molly at her food spot. And Molly is looking giddy while texting on her phone. So... Issa is sitting here avoiding calls from Kelli, venting to mom about the situation, and wondering what the future of the friendship is, and then catches Molly just chilling without a care? I don’t think I would have ditched the food spot, but I get it, Issa, you’re not ready to deal with Molly quite yet. Friendships are funny like that. Olive branch extensions should be a duty of both parties. I always find it difficult to deal with people who don’t know how to give a true, real, apology, and Molly is so... ugh. Issa is really maturing in avoiding seriously awkward situations and holding out on being too vulnerable while understanding the possibility of this friendship being over.

I’m looking forward to next week where we join Andrew and Molly in Mexico. It looks like it’s gonna be a fun baecation and... I’m lowkey inspired.




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