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Insecure Episode 8: Lowkey Happy

I was really hoping that this week’s episode would show Issa and Molly living their own separate lives and not really missing each other too much, you know, lowkey thriving. We got a little taste of that this week. I still want to know why Lawrence and Condola broke up, though.

Issa and Lawrence

OK, so we getting right into it with this opening scene where Lawrence meets Issa for drinks. Of course Issa tripped and fell- it’s so classic her. She looked cute for this lil’ date, though. Look at Lawrence already ordering drinks for Issa and I’m glad that they’re still super comfortable with clowning each other. They’ve both grown and they’re on their own come ups, so their conversations are so much better now. Man, Lawrence’s reactions to Issa and Molly no longer being friends reminds me of how people would react if me and any of my besties stopped talking. Like, we’re a group package.

Lawrence and Issa are so cute together now. Jokin’ around like old friends. I love this. So, wait, is this a date? I’ve never been too good at calling a date until it’s, like, CLEARLY a date. This is like a date that has been postponed through the breakup and other relationships, and they’re picking it up at such a good point. And yes, Lawrence, what did you want to talk to Issa about? Dragging out this moment is killing me. I’m so glad Issa ordered everything and tok away any kind of excuse for Lawrence to drag out this moment again.

I’m loving Lawrence being vulnerable and telling Issa that he has thought about what might have been if they had stayed together. These are the real questions. This is a real conversation. Ugh, people, are you taking notes? The honesty. This is gooood. Lawrence didn’t even know half the things Issa shared with him about their relationship, but he needed to hear this. It’s clear that when Lawrence thinks about their relationship in hindsight, it wasn’t that bad. Issa remembers things differently. I’m glad that we got to hear both of their perspectives. Issa saw him as not doing anything to help, not communicating what he was feeling, and not doing anything to do better. Lawrence was in a funk and seeing Issa doing better than him made him feel worse. I think that Lawrence lowkey wants to try to get back together. I think it’s gonna happen.

OK, but finding out that he actually bought a ring has got to be a little bit of a punch to the gut. I don’t think that Issa wanted to be married to that Lawrence, but the now Lawrence is pretty okay. And like CLOCKWORK, Condola texts him. Snap back to reality? I don’t know. I guess we won’t know the deal until we find out why they broke up. I like Issa and Lawrence now. When Lawrence acted like he was ending the night when Issa was clearly trying to extend this date, I really thought that he was trash. Good joke. I love Issa and Lawrence’s jokey-jokes. Have I mentioned that already?

This conversation about where they are in life right now is so perfect. Issa is trying to monetize her passion and Lawrence is able to finally work. I’m so glad that he declined Condola’s call. Like, nope, I told you I would hit you up later. Issa’s reaction to Lawrence’s apartment- this is actually really nice. Lawrence, you couldn’t wait until Issa left the building before returning Condola’s call? I see theat Lawrence hasn’t completely changed. Remember when one of his exes basically told him that he’s an f-boy who thinks that he’s a good guy? That was an f-boy move. Planning another meetup during this meetup? Ugh.

Issa coming out and saying that Lawrence makes her happy and not ending the night- YES. Condola, don’t wait up, baby girl! Haha! I’m so glad Lawrence and Issa said what they needed to say and we can all rest easy now knowing that they’re at least on the same page. Condola... I think your ship has sailed but it’s going to be awkward for her to find out about Lawrence and Issa.

XO, Tiye


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