Insecure Episode One: Lowkey Feelin’ Myself
OK, so we left off with an impending block party being planned, Molly dipping into the interracial dating pool, and Nathan ghosting Issa. Tiffany is about to have a baby and Kelly is feeling some kinda way about it for many reasons, Molly admitted to sending Nathan away when he came back to see Issa, and we were left with the cliffhanger of what the heck is going on with Nathan. Phew!
We’re back with season 4, and this show’s soundtrack is STILL everything. Cinematography on POINT. OK, Prentiss.
“Looking for LaToya” looks like a whack show, but Issa is watching it anyway. Is this the new series that all the characters are going to be watching this season? Why doesn’t Issa eff with Molly anymore? Wait, she does... I mean, coming over for yoga and a smoke is pretty friendly.
First, let’s talk about the amazing wardrobe and the genius that is Shiona Turini. Molly’s selfcare Sunday fit- yas. It is the perfect bra and leggings combo for yoga and weed, which also sounds like a pretty awesome combo...
Issa in the green suit is a vibe. I love her combo of retro and modern and how it looks so unique to her. I could never pull of this look but it fits her well. She looks professional and like she knows what she’s doing while meeting the woman that is dating her ex, which is awkwaaard, but mind over matter, right? It seems like Issa doesn’t know about that yet because she hasn’t made things too awkward.
OK, Molly with this corseted look and high-waisted jean for date night- I’m taking mental notes. Yes, Shiona! Not the most practical bowling outfit, but when you’re bowling with bae, the most practical look ever! I’m not feeling Andrew’s new mustache, but they’re a cute couple.
OK, now we’re back in Issa’s apartment and she is clearly getting it in. OMG, Issa! Who is this dude?! This whole scene looks very uncomfortable. Issa, if you’re not enjoying yourself, it’s time to send this dude home. OK, never mind, she found her vibe. “I mean, church is always the answer.” She’s wrong for that line, but I laughed. I guess she just needed a little break from work before... refocusing?
Shopping with Molly seems like it should be way more fun than this. This store that they’re in looks interesting. Issa buys and then returns the clothes and I have never been that girl, but I’ve known her and that constant back and forth seems exhausting. The sales associates are onto her ways, but Issa doesn’t care cus she’s a G. The lil’ mixer sounds like a perfect lil’ mixer. It also sounds like she is going to have an interesting mix of people there so we’ll see how it goes.
My girl, Tiffany, comes wafting into the office. I love how Tiffany is so different from the real Amanda Seales, but I also feel like she has some things in common. Oh no, Tiffany brought Condola and Lawrence together?! Oh hayell naw. Issa’s face says it all. And I totally get it. All of a sudden Lawrence can send flowers and send texts that make a girl smile? Like, he puts in effort now? We’ve all been there. Date a guy, break up, and he seems to finally pull himself together for the next one that he dates. Issa, walk it off, girl. Nah, she had to make it awkward. Dayum, I know that hurt.
Now Lawrence and Condola are all she can think about. “Pop the tags”- I cackled. Issa’s insecurities are creeping in, but she really doesn’t have time to focus on that for too long. The Porsha and Ray J cameo on “Lookin for Latoya” is perfect! Like... how black do you have to be to recognize the significance of the actress playing the host (I could hear her saying “Cedie” in my mind), a real housewife of Atlanta, and someone from Love and Hip Hop? I love my people.
Anyway, Lawrence... putting in all the effort after Issa. And he really likes this woman so it’s cute. Lemme find out he’s into wine now (a nice homage to Uncorked- also written and directed by Prentiss Penny) But how did he not know that his new girl is friends with his old girl? Like... y’all met at a mutual friend’s baby shower. That’s kinda hard to miss if you ask me.
Condola’s arrival at the mixer is painful. Y’all this doesn’t have to be awkward. So she’s dating your ex, keep it moving. He’s not even there.
Having Kelly play bartender was a mistake. They’re gonna be out of liquor in an hour at this rate. Tiffany and Issa- now THAT should now be a little bit awkward. Friends shouldn’t be setting people up with your exes behind your back. Issa makes everything sooooo awkward, it’s ridiculous haha. But it seems like Tiffany didn’t really set up COndola and Lawrence. Maybe she just introduced them and the rest is history?
As much as I’m not supposed to like Tiffany right now, I’m liking her. She’s bringing in the big names, the big money, and keeping it strictly business. Issa’s the one making things awkward... and with everyone. Like, girl, what IS this block party gonna be about? Fun? metrics? Advertising? Get it together!
This mixer is dead, though. Where is the music? People are just grazing around. Issa’s speech made it a liiiitle bit better but the music that changed the vibe to chill instead of nonexistent probably did most of the work there.
Now Molly is feeling some type of way since finding out that bae is seeing other people. “TSA bae” is funny haha. Molly, you can’t expect Andrew to know that y’all are exclusive if you never have that conversation. I know I said to let your dude know what’s up, but these are not the things that you send in a TEXT MESSAGE. Have the face to face convo or at least a phone call.
Molly’s “Relax, Urban Outfitters” to Andrew. I gotta use that one. This convo about whether or not your dude is dating other people is so real. Molly should’ve been honest, though. Just say “nah, I’m only dating you.” Send those hints. Ugh, she’s gonna be awkward about this instead of tackling what could be such a quick convo head on. I just know it.
Molly stays self-sabotaging her vibe with dudes. Just tell the man that you aren’t seeing anyone else! This one could have been so easily solved. He’s seeing other people but he’s here with you right now. He clearly likes you and wants to see you again... I don’t get why it’s so hard for her to say she’s not seeing anyone else.
Molly stays unable to celebrate her friends when her own relationships and life are in shambles. Issa is final able to offer useful wise relationship advice to her friend. And look at Molly bringing the weird back into it by saying Issa and Condola working together is a problem. No, Issa doesn’t necessarily like being messy, but if meeting someone new and having a working relationship is working, she can keep it strictly business .
I love Issa’s friends and how supportive they are of her and her ideas. They’re so different from each other, but they bring a whole type of humor and vibe to every scene.
OK... I’m thinking that this season:
- I want to know what’s up with Nathan
- I want Lawrence and Condola to work
- Molly needs to learn to speak up, embrace the discomfort of those relationship conversations, and end up dating Andrew exclusively
- Kelly needs to find someone that gets her quirkiness and loves her for it
- Tiffany needs to have the baby. I want to see her as a bougie mom who realizes that bougie doesn’t work with newborns
- Issa should have a successful black party that turns into a dope career turn
We'll see what happens! What did y’all think of this first episode?