Insecure Episode 7: Lowkey Trippin'

Oh, so at we find out thMolly actually spotted Issa about to come into the Ethiopian spot and then running off like a lil’ scaredy cat? Puh-lot twiiiiiist.
ANYWAY, look at Molly getting ready to go on a super sexy baecay after a blowout with the bestie. If only we could all be so lucky, right? Sidenote, I love how well Molly and Andrew work together stylistically as well. Y’all see her MCM boots? And he has this whole trendy bad boy look that works perfectly for him. As much as I am not on Molly’s side in the Issa feud, her impeccable style makes it veeeery hard to stay mad at her. The Dior tote she brought to the airport? She honestly nails EVERY look in this episode.
“You don’t get paid to make me look dumb.”
That part. This scene brings me back to an earlier season when Molly’s old firm hired a Black intern and Molly was trying to advise her on how to conduct herself in the office. It was on more of a “lemme holla at you sis” than this professional check. I actually prefer this one. She quickly held her assistant accountable to make sure that she understood the consequences of slip ups and wants to make sure that it doesn’t happen again. Quick and to the point while also putting the fear of GOD into that woman’s heart. I bet she won’t be forgetting to include meetings in Molly’s schedule again! All is well and, although by the skin of her teeth, Molly makes her flight.
Cheers to Andrew knowing the drinks and snacks to order as soon as Molly got on the plane. I imagine being the girlfriend on a trip with bae’s family for the first time must be a little intimidating, but I’m glad that Molly doesn’t seem too nervous... especially with that under-the-airplane blanket action she got before takeoff. Yeah... now I’m REALLY never accepting one of those blankets, like, ever.
Meeting the fam
Andrew’s brother is a planner. Yikes. Molly and Andrew are way more chill. Perfect. Nothing kills vacation vibes better than a jam-packed itinerary of things that nobody actually wants to do. I love relaxing activities and downtime in between. Yes to the spa and lounging on the beach, miss me with the group meals and sunrise hikes. I am SO not the person you would catch on a 3-mile uphill hike while on VACATION. Ziplining down is a fun idea, though. Is there a way to zipline... up the mountain?
Back in the hotel room
Nate needs the extra garage clicker, so he’s been calling Andrew and upon returning his call (on FaceTime), we hear that Issa is at Nate’s place? Molly didn’t need to say anything about that but of course she says something anyway. She sounded super insensitive bringing up Nate’s ghosting and like such a hater with her assumptions about Issa and Nate being back together. Molly, you haven’t even spoken to Issa in so long that making ANY kind of assumptions about her and Nate (or anyone, for that matter) is none of your business. I’m glad that Andrew reminded her that they’re on VACATION and there is no need to talk about Issa on this trip. Molly, please lose the buzzkilling ways. Yes, we know that anything involving Issa- or anyone or thing that annoys you- is hard to let slide, but you’re allowing things that are out of your control to sidetrack whatever else you have going on- namely Andrew. You let your work get in the way, and now things seem to be okay with that. PLEASE don’t let this Issa feud be what fuels you pushing another wedge into your relationship.
When (possible) racism ruins the day
Apparently, you need a keycard to get a towel at the resort pool. I would be upset about the hassle as well, but Andrew’s brother came and saved the day. Even if he hadn’t I would have gone back to Andrew and let him know “they won’t give me a towel because I don’t have a keycard” and let him handle it. Sure, I’d be pissed, but I wouldn’t allow that to ruin my whole mood. Molly forgot about a few key things that she should have remembered as a Black woman who has experienced microaggressions before. Unfortunately, you have to choose your battles, and making a scene at the pool wasn’t it. Molly returning to the pool pissed about the keycard thing... like, girl, let it go. She could have vented to Andrew about it in private later. I have feelings about how she handled it. Andrew’s brother’s defense was not unexpected and I, too, groaned when he asked if she was sure that it was a “race thing.” This was clearly something to be discussed with Andrew alone, if at all. He gets Molly, understands her stress and inability to NOT make everything a world-stopping to-do. Instead, she went toe-to-toe with his brother who is very different from Andrew, doesn’t know Molly well at all, and even though his wife tried to calm things down, Molly ends up ruining one of the last nights of vacation. Now the tension has followed her and bae to bed after they had a such a GREAT night the night before.
The morning after
I love how Andrew is able to read the room. This was the perfect cue to take some alone time with Molly and do something as a couple. I love that Andrew is able to move past little moments and how willing he is to figure things out with Molly no matter how much time it may take. Speaking of working things out, I’m glad that Molly called her therapist because she is dealing with some things that are taking a personal toll. Homegirl is ON EDGE. Wanting to talk about Issa, the outburst over the towel lady, the clear tension that she is still unsure about with Andrew- she needs to talk things through with an objective party.
Running into Lawrence at the airport is a great segue into something a little less awkward, but also not really. When Molly saw Issa and Lawrence talking, she had feelinga about THAT, too. Didn’t even know what they were talking about but had feelings. Imagine. I hope that Molly meets with her therapist in the next episode, and I hope she tells her VERBATIM that she is being a hater and needs to focus on herself. BUT who is Lawrence talking to on the phone, sounding all reminiscent and hopeful? Is it Issa? I’m hoping it’s Issa. I would LOVE to find out that she and Nate have talked through their differences and are now cool, but I secretly love her with Lawrence (the new and improved Lawrence who looks like he finally believes in himself and has discovered online GQ articles and Bonobos). The new Issa and Lawrence 2.0 are lowkey cute together. If Issa can have her Lawrence and Molly can have her Andrew, I think Issa and Molly will both be in better places to be able to handle their differences- WITH therapy- because their friendship won’t be the center of either of their worlds.
XO, Tiye