Insecure Episode 5: Lowkey Movin’ On
Just some thoughts...
I wonder what Lawrence was trying to talk to Issa about at the sip and see. Kinda ironic that he met Condola at Tiffany’s baby shower, and now that the baby is here, he’s reconnecting with Issa. Hmmm...
Issa has rocked a lot of tye-dye this season, down to the headwrap, and I’m really diggin’ it. Also, I had no idea that Nate was a barber. Did I miss that detail or are we all just finding this out?
The DM messaging between Issa and Nate leading to a phone call reminds me of how I restarted a couple of relationships. The power of social media, huh? And on the phone, Issa is using her normal voice and Nate has his “I’m laying down” sleepy voice that gets us girls every time. Ha!
I’m glad that Issa has someone else to vent to about her and Molly’s issues. It is weird that it’s with her ghoster, but she really doesn’t have anyone else to talk to who isn’t a mutual friend. Nate is clearly working his way back into her life and his casual conversation is welcomed. Issa... I like the way Nate looks, but he has issues that you still need to figure out, girl.
Molly and Andrew
Molly’s lingerie game is fiyaaaaah. Molly and Andrew are so cute and they seem to be doing okay, so maybe there is still hope for Issa and Molly’s friendship after all.
Lawrence and Condo-WHAT?!
Condy and Issa are being weird and OH SNAP, she and Lawrence broke up? I need the tea, sis! OK, so THIS is probably what he was trying to tell Issa at the sip n’ see (that’s what I’m calling it because there was sippin... and they saw the baby). Dang.
The Block Party
These Block Party t-shirts are cute. Looking lowkey official, Issa! Spoken word, though. Why? I love how there are always those random things at community events. Somebody’s mother’s cousin who goes to your church plays the piano, so you GOTTA let them perform. This block party set up is cool, though... there’s food and a poppin’ main stage. Lemme find out Issa is an event planner!
I’m always glad to see Kelli and Tiffany out to support Issa. Kelli is so fun (that English accent is hilarious) and Tiffany is so bougie, but they’re such a great combo in showing up for her. There are a LOT of white people at this block party, though. Weird greetings between Issa and Molly have become the norm but I’m loving seeing more of Issa’s brother lately.
Mommy Tiffany Dubois
Tiffany is trying to get back to her pre-baby life but I’m a little worried based on how she sent her hubby back home to relieve the sitter of their crying baby. He was chill about it, but she keeps hinting at not really having the mommy experience that she anticipated- she stopped breastfeeding because it “didn’t take” and now she’d rather be at a block party than at home with baby. Not judging her choices because I understand wanting to chill with my friends than be at home with a crying baby and her husband was totally fine with going home alone but I sense some trouble in paradise. Tiffany keeps commending the great job that he is doing as a father but the last couple of times we’ve seen him with the baby, he was way more hands-on. Last episode, he called her into the baby’s room over the baby monitor since the baby was crying and Tiffany reluctantly went to help out. This episode, the sitter called his phone and he suggested that they leave, saw that Tiffany would rather stay, and even offered to leave the car there for her to get home.
We’ve only seen these two snippets, so I can’t draw any real conclusions about Tiffany’s motherhood experience. I love how supportive Derek is and how hands on he’s been on these two occasions. I just hope that there is nothing more to it. I think the next few episodes will give us more insight into their life. I want to see Derek have more talks with his guy friends. I want to see Tiffany share more with her girlfriends about life as a new mom.
Nate has decided to make an appearance, looking all good and stuff, and being all encouraging with his words. Issa’s blushing. Should I be as embarrassed as I am that I don’t know any of these performing artists? I’m glad that more Black people showed up as time went on. I almost forgot that we were in Inglewood for a sec.
I’m glad that “The Wobble” came on and Andrew already knew what he was doing. OK, Andrew! As corny as the song is, you can’t just sit down when it comes on. It’s a Black event staple...kind of like Vince Staples. Issa couldn’t even get a few words in before the crowd started chanting his name. It’s cool, though. This event is clearly a huge success.
Issa and Molly
Molly has this weird way of “making up” with Issa. She extends some common courtesy without saying what needs to be said and it’s annoying. She did it before in front of Tiffany’s place and she did it this time at the block party. It’salways the wrong time and she never just comes out and says what she means. SO annoying. Making eye contact with Issa during “The Wobble” doesn’t solve your friendship problems either. No cop outs, Molly.
Come to find out Andrew hooked up Vince’s manager with Issa, thanks to Nate. So that’s why Issa felt so comfortable hitting him up on IG. OK, it all makes sense now. Connecting with the ex on social media be leading to some thaaaaaangs. Molly is salty because Nate helped Issa out behind her back- no, I won’t say that. This wasn’t a case of sneaking and doing something. Issa simply asked Nate for the favor without Molly knowing. Molly didn’t want to help her out. Issa knew Andrew’s roommate could ask, and BOOM, he made it happen. This convo between Molly and Issa right now... Molly calls Issa out for being a user and being selfish. Block party ends because someone thinks they see someone reaching for a gun and people start running. Kind of the end to most events in the hood, honestly.
This is definitely gonna have fans divided between #TeamMolly and #TeamIssa. I’m #TeamIssa. Why is Molly being a hater? You told your BEST friend that you REFUSED to hook her up with the plug, so she got resourceful and made it happen WITHOUT causing issues in your relationship with the boo that you didn’t want to mess things up with... and now you mad? I don’t think Issa is a user at all. When you’re friends with people- especially BEST friends (Molly’s words)- you should feel comfortable extending your plugs and connections to them in situations where you know it will help them succeed. Is this a case of Molly not believing that Issa’s event would be successful? Is Molly really hurt or just mad that she wasn’t the one to come through for Issa? Everybody needs to go to therapy, if you ask me.
XO, Tiye