Insecure Episode 3: Lowkey Thankful
I just wanted to know what Molly was thinking at the end of episode two, but this episode gave us absolutely nothing more on that because it's Thanksgiving and family time!
Let's talk about Lawrence...
Come on, Lawrence, practicing your pitch in the mirror. Been there. Also, alarms that sound like actual alarms are NOT the vibe. Anyone else getting the feeling that Lawrence has turned into somewhat of a better man *Musiq Soulchild voice* since Condola has entered the picture? He's dressing better, seems to be on a roll at work, he's dating someone who seems to be mature enough for him, and stepping up to draw boundaries with Issa. Lemme not speak too soon, though.
I was just talking to a friend about how so many of the good men of the world are with women who made them feel like they needed to “step their game up” at some point. I like Condola for Lawrence but I feel like somehow this relationship is gonna go downhill. He's so in love and I'm waiting for something to happen to bring him back to the reality that things are very sweet and fun , but at the end of the day his new girl is friends with his old girl, and that is definitely going to come up again among other things.
Lawrence mentions being “black and bulletproof” during a conversation about layoffs happening at work. And sometimes it be’s like that… and then sometimes it don’t. Too soon, but so relatable right now when so many of my (black) friends are experiencing layoffs and lack of job security because being the token minority doesn’t always protect you… except when it does. America.
May I just say that Issa looking somewhat fly every time Lawrence runs into her changes the vibe from season 1 when she was always looking like week 3 of quarantine and Zoom calls? These borderline haute couture blazers definitely make for an amazing impression even if Issa claims to be done with Lawrence. Maybe Issa decided to step her game up (how is she affording all these amazing lewks on a property manager income, Shiona?) because she doesn't want to be the bummy sidekick to Condola or maybe she figured out that the vintage tees and high waisted jeans were not an everyday vibe, but I like it... and I'm pretty sure that Lawrence does, too.
And on that note, Issa has clearly become comfortable in Condola's coworking space. Sharing coworking spots with friends can get very sticky. I had a friend share a dope coworking spot with me- it was quiet, spacious, and I got a lot of work done, but I also didn’t want to encroach on her space. I prefer working alone, in my own world, and preferably surrounded by strangers who are paying me no mind. That's tough to do when you work in the same space as someone with whom you share jokey jokes and cocktails on a regular basis. Of course Condola doesn't own the space, but she's claimed it- even brought Lawrence there for a lunch date. I'm glad that Issa made her exit, albeit awkward af. It's L.A., so there are plenty of other cute coffee shops to set up the laptop and do some work.
... and Condola.
I love how corny Lawrence is with Condola. The little jokes, the silky graphic shirts… it’s a nice balance to Condola’s constant put-togetherness. Got him out here feeling like he can fix leaky sinks and what-not.
I’ve never hosted a Friendsgiving, but it sounds cute. Condola’s gathering looks cute even though everyone is standing around the kitchen island awkwardly… like, can we move this into the living room or something? And once they’re in the living area, Condola shares that she basically never wants to get married again. What a way to rain on Lawrence’s sprung parade. Then she says that Lawrence basically invited himself to this Friendsgiving… what is going on here? Things were going so well, but now we have this post-dinner discussion about exes- things are just messy.
Thanksgiving Vibes
How soon is too soon to invite the new bae over for dinner with the fam? Molly didn't invite Andrew over for Thanksgiving, which is a smart move given her problems with her dad. I wish I had the same wisdom during past Thanksgivings... and Christmases. Bringing the new boo around the family during holiday gatherings is a big deal whether it's voiced or not. Your parents, siblings, and maybe even some aunties, uncles, and cousins get to meet the new guy and God forbid it's been a different guy every year. Your guest is under pressure to impress them without seeming like he's trying too hard. And one of many worst case scenarios is that he shows up, doesn't vibe with the fam, and decides to leave early. But okay, enough of my "holiday bae" chronicles. Back to Insecure...
Molly and Issa
The Molly and Issa relationship. Yes, things have definitely been “off.” Is it not weird to grocery shop together? Because I never.
At Thanksgiving, Molly’s mom is like my mother with the 21 questions about her boyfriend. I love how all the friends are keeping updated through IG stories. Everyone looks like their Thanksgivings are fun. But ummm… why is Molly stilling shady when Issa is open to trying to talk things out and fix whatever is going on between them? Once again, Molly is showing that when she has her own issues going on (her feelings toward her dad), she is incapable of continuing to nurture her other relationships. Has she even bothered to wish Andrew a happy Thanksgiving? I’m glad Issa caught on and thought twice about going to see Molly. Passive-aggressive texts when we’re on the rocks is NEVER the move.
Issa came with the quotables this week.
“I got the work in progress…and it took a lot of support and patience. I feel like she’s reaping all the benefits of his time with me.” GIRL. If you know, ya know. Ya know? How many times have you dated the guy who never seemed to be able to get his life together, and as soon as you broke up, he stepped up his game and became the man that you always wanted him to be? So back to what I mentioned earlier, that idea of good men being with women who make them feel the need to "step up their game", Condola is that woman for Lawrence. When Issa was with Lawrence, she allowed him to be complacent, feel defeated, and she never had him feeling compelled to wear silky shirts just 'cus (he wore that Best Buy jaun), but Lawrence knows that he can't be that kind of guy with Condola. He has to be the guy to say "baby, I'll fix your faucet", play the good boyfriend at her Friendsgiving, refill her glass when he sees that it's empty, go on dates and foot the bill- you know, the kind of stuff that every woman dreams of that a lot of guys completely overlook until they feel the need to be that person. It's a matter of maturity, timing, commitment, and whatever else you can throw into the equation, but Issa was definitely dating a different kind of work-in-progress from Condola is right now.
“Case of the Ex” is such a great track to end this episode on. The thing about social media is that it is a whole additional layer of communication that isn't as criminalizing as a text or phone call. Sending an emoji response to your ex's story isn't as bad as a "wyd" text in the middle of the night. It isn't cheating. It isn't lying. But it is something you wouldn't do with your current girlfriend looking over your shoulder. Lawrence- the guy who just awkwardly met up with Issa to tell her not to talk about him, then awkwardly got caught by his new girl keekeeing about her with his ex, then got a little hurt when his girlfriend said that she isn't thinking about marriage and that he is low-key her sidepiece- is towing a thin line between "we're done" and "lemme see what's up with Issa." I don't think Condola is clueless about this, but she also has set a clear boundary with Lawrence regarding her comfort with how he interacts with her, which I think will blow up in both of their faces very soon. Condola hinted at it after Freindsgiving in that little piece about worrying about exes.
Who am I vibing with this week?
Molly is getting on my nerves, so definitely not her. She was overdressed for Thanksgiving. She's being mean to her bestie, and she needs to take a timeout to deal with her daddy issues. I guess bringing him a slice of pie is a good start. Hopefully she sorts all that out by next week.
Issa has her own family things going on. I love her relationship with her brother. They're close and they stick up for one another. I wanted to see what their step-sister twins looked like, though.
I would say that I'm Tiffany during this episode. I love the fun relationship that she and her husband have. They're cute. Also, the IG story post of her passed out on the couch with the plate of food on her belly is definitely me. I'm Tiffany this week. I can't wait to see their baby in the next episode!
Let me know your thoughts about this week's episode!
xx, Tiye
Sidenote: There is a Spotify playlist that is updated every week after each episode, so definitely check that out. But wait, y’all. Did anyone else see that next week’s episode isn’t gonna start until 10:15 PM? I hope that was a rookie HBO mistake.